A South Jersey man who opted to represent himself in court was recently sentenced to 8 years in state prison for growing/cultivating only 17 marijuana plants.
This is an instructive story for “what not to do” when charged with a marijuana offense in NJ. I handle many marijuana cases each year in my law practice, and I am surprised that many clients believe NJ has “decriminalized” marijuana or that “weed isn’t a big deal, right?”
It is indeed a “big deal.” Without a medical prescription, possession of even a small amount of marijuana is illegal in NJ and is classified as a misdemeanor, with a possible jail sentence as well as expensive fines. Conviction will result in a criminal record and other possible negative consequences for one’s employment prospects, eligibility for student loans, etc.
Gov. Chris Christie, a complete and utter moron who clearly has his own addiction issues with regard to food, thinks this is fine and promises even harsher marijuana laws if elected President.
But back to our original story: Had the recently-convicted man in the been represented during his trial by a skilled NJ marijuana defense attorney, I believe this case would have turned out far differently. Sadly, he apparently only retained legal counsel AFTER his conviction, to attempt to achieve a lighter sentence.
Big mistake. If you are charged with any marijuana offense in NJ, such as the usual N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(a)(4) [simple possession of under 50 grams, the most common charge issued by NJ police for the “typical’ marijuana case] call me immediately at 908-782-5313, even on nights and weekends. I have defended many of these cases, and achieved 6 outright dismissals last year (2015) alone. Don’t go it alone- put my track record and experience to work for your NJ marijuana possession or distribution case!
Call me today at 908-782-5313 to discuss YOUR marijuana charge. The initial consultation is always free of charge.