Category Archives: Debt Blog

This is a blog predominately about debt defense issues.

Federal Court rules Pressler complaint violated FDCPA

Hot off the presses, below is a passage from the June 30, 2014 opinion of the Hon. Kevin McNulty, United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. The case, captioned Daniel Bock Jr vs. Pressler & Pressler, Civ. No. 11-7593 (KM)(MCA), involved a defendant who was sued by Pressler...
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Total victory against Cavalry SPV

I’d like to briefly discuss the “moral” implications of not paying your old debts. Often times, debt collectors use psychology to bully or persuade debtors to “settle up” because they spent & owe the money, and try to lay guilt on the debtor for being a “deadbeat,” etc. These collectors...
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NJ State Police Expungement Unit: hurry up and wait !

The NJ State Police Expungement Unit, located in at PO Box 7068 in West Trenton, NJ are REALLY slowing to a crawl lately with their processing of NJ expungements. First of all, they are asking the Courts for more time prior to the judge signing the Final Petition for Expungement....
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Who is Midland Funding LLC ?

You may have had a credit card several years ago that, at some point, stopped sending you bills and/or monthly statements. Perhaps one day, after months of consecutive non-payment, you received a statement showing a balance of 0 dollars and a paragraph stating that the credit card (Discover, Capital One,...
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A New NJ Appellate Case vs. Pressler & Pressler

Hot off the presses, the New Jersey Appellate Division has at long last addressed the issue of what is required for a 3rd party debt buyer (“commonly called an “assignee”) to prove ownership of a debt in a Motion for Summary Judgment. This case is GREAT news for defendants who...
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